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Three Questions with MemoryandDream, February 2007

1) What do you think of vampires like Don Henrie, who showcase their vampirism and like to dress the part? Do you think they are more of a harm or a help to those that are awakening?

Don Henrie isn't a vampire, he's a douche bag. He doesn't "dress the part" he dresses like a damned fool. Saying that a vampiric person should or has to look like a Marylin Manson music video reject in order to be "authentic" is as absurd as saying someone who's diabetic isn't truly diabetic unless they dress like a pirate. Vampirism isn't a clothing choice; it isn't a lifestyle, it's a medical condition. Anyone who choses to be melodramatic and overly theatrical about it is a serious hindrance to the condition being accepted seriously.


2) In reading Sacred Hunger by author Michelle Belanger, I find that she seems to think that most claiming to be vampires, so long as they don't make outrageous claims, are real vampires. I was wondering what you thought of this because you stated in one of your interviews that about 95% of those claiming vampirsm were fake.

I have never agreed with Belanger's stance though I must admit, I've never taken the time to read her books.  I do not feel that vampirism is a title that you decide to bestow upon yourself just for the hell of it. I don't believe that it's a religion that you chose for yourself. Again, such concepts belittle the medical nature of the condition and the struggle for acceptance, understanding and resources available to those who live with the condition on the day-to-day basis. Vampirism doesn't lie in the ubber-goth night clubs and other carefully staged scenes, it lies in the struggle to keep one's job, or to pay one's bills - the normal challenges of daily life. The real vampiric person is the one in the t-shirt and jeans at the supermarket who's coming home after working all day and who still has to cook dinner and walk the dog and clean the house. There's nothing real or authentic about someone applying a label and a trite fashion sense to themselves.


3)Many of the authors I have been reading seem to think it's okay and even good thing to embrace what they are in the form of dressing the part and even encourage it because of the empowering part of it. What are your thoughts on this?

I think by now my thoughts on the "scene" are pretty self-evident. Flaunting some absurd, affected Hollywood, dark, tragic, gothic lifestyle is just embracing a ridiculous stereotype. True vampiric people have nothing to do with that kind of nonsense. But of course, the only people that are put on display to the public are those who do. And thus, the continuation of the stereotype continues. Nobody would find images of "Sambo" empowering to the African American community, so why would images of "lifestylers" be any better to those who are vampiric? You know, there's having fun and not taking yourself too seriously and then there's going way over the edge and living in a fantasy world. Too many people want the fantasy and the fiction and it's a constant, uphill battle to counter that in my small corner of the web.


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