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Vamp Fangs



This site does not condone, support or endorse in any way the statements, beliefs, or opinions of "Jonathon Sharkey." In fact, we find him disgusting, immoral and absolutely insane. He does not speak for any pagan, vampire, or witch group or organization, period. His beliefs are psychotic and utterly in opposition to common moral decency. His comments are NOT indicative of anyone but himself and he does not have any authority or recognition of any kind within any group, website or subculture. He is, at best, a fringe nutter and at worse, seriously mentally deranged.
Please click here for more specific details and information.

By now, you most likely have heard about Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey" who has publicly announced his intention to run for Governor of Minnesota. In fact, you may have found this page solely because of his outlandish and downright frightening claims. I want to make it emphatically clear that he does NOT in any way, speak on behalf of any website, group, religion or related. His ideas are completely his own and they do not reflect the beliefs of anyone else. I hope to provide some basic information to help clarify the horrible position he has put millions of people in by presuming to speak on their behalf without consent.

"Vampyre/Witch/Pagan Party"
There is no such thing. This sick man does NOT speak on behalf of anyone. We are NOT interested in supporting him and we do NOT agree with, nor condone any of his statements. He falsely tries to speak on behalf of millions of Americans and he does not have the right to do so. Period.

He claims that it is Federally recognized but it is not. In fact, it is listed as both "Unauthorized" and a "Non-Qualified Party" by the Federal Election Committee. This is something he has completely made up and something which does not represent ANY Witch, Pagan, Wiccan or vampire individual or group.

First off, the word, as everyone knows is spelled "vampire." People who use the "y" spelling do so because they are Gothic, Lifestylers and enjoy melodrama and fictional characters. These are the crazy people you see on TV documentaries, dressed all in black, who wear fang implants, capes and pretend to be immortal.

On the other hand, there are many people in the world who believe they require additional nutritional intake in addition to normal food. This comes in the form of either blood or energy from people, plants or places. They do not follow any specific religion, they do not have a dress code, they do not follow any leader and they are not in a cult. They are otherwise completely normal people. You would literally never know they had this condition and they are completely part of society, hold normal jobs and live normal lives. Most chose to use terms other then "vampire" for the obvious reason that the term comes with heavy connotations. The term, "sanguinarian" (or "sang" for short) is used to identify a human being who feels they require small amounts of blood in their diet to remain healthy. The term, "psy" or "psi" refers to someone who does not consume blood, but rather, "feeds" off of life energy of people, plants or places. Please see the Real Vampires section of this site for lengthy explanations of this condition as well as the common misconceptions.

There are no such things as demons. People who think they are demons or demonic are mentally unbalanced.

I can not stress enough that Pagans or Witches have NOTHING to do with Satanism. Satan is a part of the Christian mythos and literally does not exist in any Pagan, Wiccan, Witch or related religion.

  • Pagan is a catch-all term for any number of earth-based faiths. Neo-Pagan is also sometimes used interchangeably.

  • Wicca is a modern revival of ancient European/Celtic beliefs, and is credited to Gerald B. Gardner, a British Civil Servant who first published a book on the subject in 1949. Since then, countless different versions and traditions of Wicca have been developed and practiced both by individuals ("solitary") or in groups (often called "circles" or "covens.")

  • Witch is a term for a Pagan, Neo-Pagan or Wiccan who practices magic as part of their spiritual expression. The term "Wiccan" and "Witch" are NOT synonymous. Witch is gender neutral term applying to both men and women.

While there are many different beliefs that fall under the "Pagan" heading, the unifying belief is in the sanctity of the earth, nature and life. In fact, Wicca's core tenant, "The Wiccan Rede1" is very similar to the Christian "Golden Rule." It states simply, "An' it harm none, do what ye will." Meaning to live one's life as one chooses without bringing harm to another or themselves. Pagans are kind, caring, open-minded people who simply wish to live in harmony with the world around them and allow others to do the same. Pagans are not now, nor ever will be evil, dark, gothic, or satanists.

Pagans respect freedom of religion and freedom of choice. Their entire outlook is summed up as a "live and let live" mentality. Pagans do not believe in prostylization or conversion of any kind. People who wish to learn about the different traditions are welcomed but no Pagan group would ever try to force their beliefs on anyone else. Spirituality is a deeply personal thing and therefore, each person's faith should be respected and treated with reverence. Pagans, Witches and Wiccans do not hate Christianity and do not oppose it. They do not hate the Christian deity. They do not believe in the Christian devil figure. There is no "hell" or "Satan" figure in Pagan faith whatsoever.

Some denominations of Paganism (called, "Traditions") include magic and ritual as part of their belief. Magic (alternately spelled "magick" to differentiate it from stage tricks) is simply a practice of focusing one's will on an intent to bring about a change. It is a focus and a tool similar to prayer, dance, chanting or meditation in other religions. Magic(k) does not bring about fantastic changes and is nothing like fiction. It does not produce flashy special effects. Magic(k) is used in the way that positive thinking, or directed goals are. It's a tool to make a change in one's life and it's a ceremony and a celebration. Magic(k) is not supernatural, it's simply ritual and expression of personal beliefs, faith and one's interaction with divinity and nature.

Pagans, Witches, Wiccans, and even vampires are all normal human beings. They do NOT possess supernatural abilities nor powers of any kind. Anyone who says they do are deluded and have problems distinguishing reality from fiction.

It is extremely important to state that legitimate vampirism is not about fashion. It's not a religion. And it's not about being an angsty teen who shops at "Hot Topic." It is not a "lifestyle" at all. It is a medical condition that is not yet understood by modern science. People who go around dressed all in black, listen to morbid or depressing music, who attend gothic raves or clubs are engaging in a specific subculture completely independent of vampires, Pagans, or Witches.

I can't express how disgusting, vulgar and barbaric this entire concept is. No sane person would honestly believe torture is an acceptable form of justice or punishment for crimes committed. This practice was considered barbaric hundreds of years ago and the disgust over such practice has not diminished in anyway through the present day.

"Vlad The Imapler"
Prince Vlad III Dracula2, also known as "Vlad Tepes" ("Vlad the Impaler") was ruler of the country of Walachia in the 14th century. This small country is now part of modern-day Romania. His father, Vlad II was known as Vlad Dracul due to his membership in a secret order of knights known as "The Order of the Dragon." In Romanian, the word "dracul" means dragon. His son became, "dracula" meaning, "son of the dragon." 

Vlad Tepes was a vicious and cruel man, swift to severely punish his enemies, including commonly, torture. He would impale people through the anus on long, wooden poles and leave them to die a slow and agonizing death. Bram Stoker's famous novel, "Dracula" is loosely based on this prince though in no way was Vlad immortal or a vampire. He is nothing more then a sick historical figure who lived in a barbaric period of history and who was fanatical and extreme in his methods. Vlad is not a figure nor figurehead in vampirism whatsoever.


1- See Religious Tolerance: The Wiccan Rede
2 - See "Vlad Tepes: Historical Dracula" and "Vlad the Impaler" for further historical information

Other Links and Resources:
Witchvox - The Witches Voice is an amazing collection of Pagan, Witch, Wiccan and related articles and information.


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